Startseite   →   Branchenbuch in Rheinland-Pfalz   →   Branchenbuch in Kobern-Gondorf   →   Hotel in Kobern-Gondorf   →   Hotel Simonis
GPS-Koordinaten: lat: 50.309853 - lng: 7.459824

Hotel Simonis


Marktplatz 4, 56330 Kobern-Gondorf - Kobern




  • Montag: geschlossen
  • Dienstag: 09:00-23:00
  • Mittwoch: 09:00-23:00
  • Donnerstag: 09:00-23:00
  • Freitag:                   09:00-23:00
  • Samstag: 09:00-23:00
  • Sonntag: 09:00-23:00
Öffnungszeiten von Hotel Simonis Marktplatz 4, 56330 Kobern-Gondorf, RP

At a distance of 300 km from Utrecht ( Netherlands) or 55 km from Frankfurt Hahn airport we are close to the highway and easily accessible by train, motor or car. Enter in the beautiful area of the German Mosel. Get aquainted to this area which has everything for everybody. Reload your battery far away from the daily life. Whether you come alone...with friends or family or bussiness? We look forward to having you as our guest in our comfortably decorated and beloved hotel.

Hotel, Unterkunft, Hotelgewerbe und Gastronomie, Hotels und Gasthöfe, Herberge, Frühstücksbüffet, Duitsland, Weekend, Romantiker, Familien Hotels, Vakantie, Moezel, Essen gehen, Weinstube, Eifel, Mosel, Koblenz, Travel, Trier, Trip, Schenk, Urlaub an der Mosel, Goedkoop, Kobern Gondorf, Rijn, Romantic Hotel, Motorhotel, Hunsruck, Reserveren, Schön Eingerichtetes Hotel, Vakantie Moezel, Kerstarrangement, Romanties Reizen, Schicke Zimmer, Romanties, Moselhotel Restaurant, Motorvakantie

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