Startseite   →   Branchenbuch in Rheinland-Pfalz   →   Branchenbuch in Kaiserslautern   →   Banken in Kaiserslautern   →   Tks Telepost Kabel-Service Kaiserslautern GmbH & Co. KG
GPS-Koordinaten: lat: 49.438572 - lng: 7.656581

Tks Telepost Kabel-Service Kaiserslautern GmbH & Co. KG


Altes Forsthaus 2, 67661 Kaiserslautern - Innenstadt

0180 4 857762[1]


TKS is the leading telecommunications provider serving Americans and the English speaking community in Germany. Our services include cable TV, Internet, mobile phone and residential phone. We offer several package deals as well. With TKSShops in all major military installations across Germany, there is always a shop near you. Our staff speaks English, all of our product information and invoices are in English and to top it off, we also have a support hotline in English!

Banken, Versicherungs und Finanzdienstleistungen, Beteiligungsgesellschaft, Internet, Telekommunikation, Telekom, Edv Dienstleistungen, Mobile Phone, Tks, Kabeldeutschland, Afn, Cable Tv, Amerikaner in Deutschland, Internet für Amerikaner in Deutschland, Kabel Digital Englisch, Mobilfunk für Amerikaner in Deutschland, American Community in Germany, Products in English, Kabel für Amerikaner in Deutschland, Invoices in English, Services in English, Americans in Germany, Residential Phone, English Speakers in Germany, Hotline in English
[1] 01804 - 0,20 €/Anruf, ggf. abweichende Tarife in Mobilfunknetze möglich

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